I really wish the phone would ring.
Seriously, most people act like it is such an easy thing to adopt.
"Oh, trouble getting pregnant? Just adopt! There are so many people that can't/don't want to parent,
and children that need homes!"
It's really freaking hard.
Domestic adoption =
waiting for expectant mother to choose you. And seeing a lot of other prospective adoptive families whose wait is much shorter than yours.
Foster Adopt =
getting placements and potentially losing them, because the ultimate goal of foster care in general is family reunification.
International adoption =
much more expensive, extensive paper work, stringent regulations from both the country you adopt from and the one you live in. Still a L-O-N-G wait.
And watching teenagers and people who don't even WANT kids have them?
Sometimes, I feel like freaking out.
Sometimes I do it. (Inside. Or late at night.)
I wish I could see the fabric of the Lord's plan,
because from where I sit,